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    U.S.R. Courier HST DS

    Enter a Terminal program and enter the following :-

    AT&F (enter)
    ATM1B0X7Q0V1H0&A2&B1&G0&H1&I0&J0&K0&L0 (enter)
    AT&M4&N0&P0&R2&S1&X1&Y1S0=0S2=43S3=13 (enter)
    ATS4=10S5=8S6=2S7=45S8=2S9=6S10=7S11=35 (enter)
    ATS12=50S13=4S15=0S19=5S21=10S22=17 (enter)
    ATS23=19S24=25S26=0S27=0S28=8S38=0 (enter)
    AT&W (enter)

    Init String


    Switch Settings

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
    U U D U D U U D U U

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